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Elections programme

Déi Gréng Nidderaanwen – Juni 2023

Shaping the future with a clean, safe, and affordable energy supply

If we want our community to remain a good place to live for us and our children, we must act decisively today to make our energy supply sustainable, clean, secure, and affordable, and to increase energy efficiency and effectiveness.

Our dei gréng local councillors advocate the construction of a photovoltaic system covering the Am Sand car park, which will provide sustainable energy production and shade the car park in summer.

Déi gréng is also committed to the construction of a district heating plant using geothermal energy from the ground in our municipality.

Déi gréng want to amend the municipal building regulations by making every building or renovation permit subject to the condition that it includes a form of renewable energy production that is most suitable for the household or business in question.

In the case of private properties, permission for the installation of a carport should only be granted in combination with the installation of a photovoltaic system.

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Shaping the future by protecting against the consequences of the climate crisis

Extreme weather conditions, such as heat waves, droughts, heavy rains, hail and floods, are becoming more frequent and violent. These are inevitable consequences of the climate crisis for which we must prepare our communities and their inhabitants.

Déi gréng will systematically create shaded areas in all our localities and plant more shrubs, hedges and tall trees, as well as more green strips along streets and pavements. We will support the greening of facades and roofs with financial incentives.

At the same time, we will take measures against increasing soil sealing, for example in new housing developments, on parking lots and in front gardens.

In order to avoid hydrological crises during the summer period and to guarantee access to drinking water in all circumstances, we will tap additional sources available in the municipality.

Our community is fortunate to have good quality drinking water. We will install local drinking water dispensers in public places, in and around community buildings to provide comfortable access to drinking water for everyone, including our four-legged friends. We will encourage our local shops, bars and restaurants to participate in the drinking water refill action. Finally, in order to optimise the winter service and to avoid wasting salt, it is important to take into account the great difference in altitude of the localities in the municipality and to set up a specific bad weather warning plan for each locality.

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Shaping the future with green urbanism, affordable housing and clean mobility

In order to protect our quality of life, we must above all bring together housing, work, leisure and essential services. With the development of soft mobility, a more attractive urban design will be created.

Our young people are currently finding it difficult to find housing in our municipality. In order to increase the supply of housing, the municipality of Niederanven should develop housing projects on municipal land under a long lease with strict conditions to avoid speculation. We want to use the financial reserve of the municipal administration to build low-cost rental housing for young people in the municipality as a priority.

Derelict buildings and land held for speculative purposes should be subject to a municipal property tax rate that is increased from year to year.

Increasing the supply of social and low-cost housing also means amending the PAG to allow for high rise construction depending on the neighbourhood or street. For new neighbourhoods, we will strive to increase residential density while ensuring quality of life.

In parallel, dei gréng will support the following housing initiatives:

  • Modular constructions and “tiny houses”, especially on unbuilt plots and temporarily unoccupied building areas, by adapting the municipal building regulations, while simplifying administrative procedures and guaranteeing a place of residence.
  • Housing cooperatives by supporting them in their search for suitable building land and by assisting them with administrative procedures if necessary.
  • Shared apartments and multi-generational houses, while adapting the development plans and the municipal building regulations.
  • The creation of an additional dwelling in single-family houses (integrated dwelling – Einliegerwohnung).

The development of public spaces, recreation areas and forest paths should promote outdoor sports. In this context, the déi gréng advocate the creation of a fitness, hiking and cross-country running trail at the “Groussebësch”, which is defined in the municipal bylaws, instead of a forestry road that is used for forestry and is part of a hunting lot.

Furthermore, on the N1 road to Roodt-sur-Syre we will advocate the construction of a bridge for game and soft mobility in order to reach the new cycle track to Roodt-sur-Syre and the jogging path “Groussebësch” in complete safety.

The cycle path between Niederanven and Munsbach is very dangerous for cyclists in places. We propose a redesign to ensure the safety of cyclists.

Déi gréng is committed to making the bus even more attractive: increasing the frequency of service, building bus shelters, equipping buses with a bicycle platform, expanding the mBox at Senningerberg to encourage “ride & bike”, introducing a communal shuttle to the tram station and the Velo`h station as soon as the tram is in service at Senningerberg.

We will plead with the competent authorities to obtain an additional train stop serving the Syrdall business park in Munsbach on the Luxembourg-Wasserbillig line.

In order to reduce road traffic as much as possible, we will apply parking restrictions to the entire municipality except for residents of the locality.

In order to promote more reasonable mobility, we will increase the number of car sharing and bike sharing stations.

In the PAG, we want to favour building plots close to educational, cultural and commercial facilities over isolated building plots, far from facilities or on roads linking villages.

[Photo Priorité voiture – détour piéton

Due to the more frequent heat waves and in order to increase the quality of life, we will promote the planting of ornamental tree lanes such as plane trees in housing estates and along walking paths.

New building sites often use diesel generators, which have a considerable environmental impact and produce noise pollution for the neighbourhood and wildlife. We will amend the municipal building regulations by making it a condition of every construction site that the electrical connection is made before the construction work begins.

In order to increase the quality of life in the dei gréng housing estates, shared space will be created in all the lanes of the housing estates. In some streets, the pavements will be redesigned so that pedestrians have the shortest route.

In the commune, some pavements have been in a state of disrepair for years. We will work to ensure that they are finally repaired.

The “suppliers’ path” to the Am Sand premises can be developed into a cycle path, a footpath and a path for the Niederanven pedibus.

Taking the protection of buildings, village centres and historic districts seriously, we want to avoid as far as possible the destruction of the remaining architectural heritage of the villages of the municipality, while giving priority to the renovation of buildings to be preserved.

We will also undertake to create demarcated dog run areas in the municipality of Niederanven.

Finally, we will argue for either the demolition or the renovation of the Am Sand cultural centre. It no longer meets the requirements of our time from an architectural, cultural and, above all, energy point of view.

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Shaping the future with local circular economies and with diverse and attractive businesses

It is clear that our society is currently wasting many resources. For the future, we need a sustainable economy based on the permanent reuse of materials rather than treating them as waste for disposal or incineration. We need sustainable offers in retail, tourism, crafts and industry, of local and regional origin. In addition, we need agriculture with a greater emphasis on organic farming.

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  • We will strengthen local economic circuits by supporting exchanges between the various economic actors and by helping them, for example, to ensure good waste management.
  • We will propose the use of local vouchers distributed to citizens by the municipality and valid specifically in local retail and hospitality establishments.
  • We will support local multifunctional centres.
  • We will support the farms both financially and organisationally to sell their local quality products directly themselves, for example at the market organised by the municipality or at the farm gate.
  • We will support initiatives to implement sustainable and alternative forms of economy in fruit and vegetable production, such as community gardens (e.g. Aanwensgaart), cooperatives like TERRA, solidarity farming projects and farms run by employment initiatives.

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Shaping the future by conserving our natural resources

An intact nature is vital for all species and organisms that are essential for the survival and well-being of humans. Therefore, protecting nature is also protecting people.  If we want to preserve it, we need to take a series of long-term measures:

  • We will be distributing free native perennials to interested citizens.
  • We will prohibit the so-called “Klappjuegd” hunting at the communal level, otherwise very restrictive hunting, far away from residential and recreational areas.
  • We will participate in projects such as urban gardening by planting fruit trees in public spaces.
  • We will support solidarity farming projects.
  • We will prevent unnecessary sealing by changing the building regulations. In addition, in order to preserve biodiversity and reduce the warming of cities, the surface area of pebble gardens should be limited by municipal regulation.
  • We will advise citizens to replace their existing gravel garden with a more ecological solution
  • We will strengthen the security of drinking water supply by upgrading the municipality’s water sources, reactivating them and protecting them from the use of pesticides.
  • We will ensure that the existing sewage treatment plant is expanded and modernised.  The potential for waste heat utilisation and biogas production in the sewage treatment plant should be exploited.
  • We will reduce the use of pesticides and excessive road salt in our community.
  • We will renovate and digitise the communal drinking water distribution network in order to avoid losses.

Déi gréng will finally begin the renovation and expansion of the multi-communal recycling centre after more than 15 years of delay.

In order to limit the risk of flooding, a soil sealing fee should be introduced for concrete surfaces exceeding the access to the house and garage.

Finally, we want to introduce a permit for the felling of trees older than thirty years and we propose to make an inventory of very old trees in the municipality in order to complete the national list of remarkable trees.

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Shaping the future with child- and family-friendly municipalities

We want all children to have the opportunity to develop their skills and abilities and to become responsibly and independently involved in society.

We will strengthen the important role of parents while supporting the development of partnerships between teachers, educational staff, parents and the community:

  • Provide more flexible childcare options for parents, and for single parents, for example through the creation of the ‘Krank Kanner doheem’ initiative.
  • Offer professional babysitting courses for young people and create a service for parents to find a suitable babysitter.
  • Organise special first aid courses for babies and young children.
  • To create a varied offer of advice and continuing education for families by funding and raising awareness of initiatives such as family promotion, the parents’ school and the BabyPlus offers.

We will encourage the hostel to offer healthy, balanced, vegetarian and, if possible, organic meals to the children.

We will ensure that playgrounds are inclusive by also installing play equipment for wheelchair users.

In order to improve the provision of medical care in our municipality, the déi gréng are in favour of the rapid construction of a medical centre.

We take the needs and rights of children and young people seriously and will provide forums for exchange and opportunities for democratic participation for our young citizens. We will also create a communal children’s office as a contact point for children. This service will use socio-educational professionals hired by the municipality.

For young people setting up their own homes, in view of the urgent need for housing, we will use the financial reserve of the municipal administration to build low-cost rental accommodation for young people in the municipality.

For young children, we will develop a playful musical education to familiarise them with the different instruments.

We will support parents by increasing subsidies to sports clubs to reduce fees for children and young people, while promoting camp-like holiday activities focusing on sport, culture and nature.

In the field of tourism, the déi gréng propose to set up a camping site and a youth hostel in the municipality of Niederanven.

For children who come to school by bike we will install a closed bike place near the Am Sand primary school.

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Shaping the future with a strong element of social cohesion

We stand for a society where everyone should have the opportunity to participate in society, regardless of their financial situation, health status or cultural or sexual identity.

The social life in our community takes place in the sports and cultural associations.  These activities require the voluntary commitment of citizens as well as a wide range of activities and communal infrastructures.

The creation of an intergenerational leisure centre will promote the transfer of experience from one generation to another, social cohesion and a better understanding of the social groups active in the municipality.

We will provide financial and administrative support to promote alternative living arrangements:

  • Flats sharing
  • Co-living / participatory housing
  • Housing co-operatives
  • Inter-generational housing communities.

We will ensure that everyone has equal opportunities and equal participation in society. We will remove architectural barriers in public spaces, buildings and housing and make public transport accessible to people with disabilities.

We will encourage seniors to participate actively in social and cultural life to ensure their personal well-being.T

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Shaping the future in a safe environment and with good neighbourliness

In Luxembourg, security and the protection of our fundamental rights require permanent efforts to discourage burglars. We will propose to install video surveillance in housing estates, in the entire Am Sand area and at certain strategic points towards the A1 motorway. The surveillance will be carried out in strict compliance with the legal framework in force in order to protect the privacy of our citizens.

In order to reduce the danger of car traffic in residential streets and streets leading to schools, nursery schools, crèches, shops, sports halls, retirement homes, etc., effective speed bumps should be installed (instead of the current “alibi” speed bumps).

We will promote police support measures to raise awareness of theft and burglary in the municipality: 24-hour police presence in the new police station, patrols in the neighbourhoods, information evenings organised jointly by the municipality and the police, the presence of security guards on buses, especially the ‘nightlife’ buses.


The creation of shared spaces in all cities, namely Gromscheed, Trenker, Mielstrachen, Goesfeld, Dicks/Lentz, Aarnescht and Bounert, will put pedestrians, bicycles and motorised vehicles on an equal footing to improve road safety.

In order to prevent littering on the motorways, we will argue for the provision of nets at the motorway entrances and exits into which empties (bottles, cans, etc.) can be thrown, as is already done in the Netherlands.

On the route de Trèves, we will study with the competent authorities the installation of modular traffic lights to facilitate traffic flow during peak hours and pedestrian safety at other times.

We will provide walls for taggers (graffiti artists) to avoid illegal graffiti.

Finally, in public places we will provide waste bins with sorted materials.

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Shaping the future with people-friendly local authorities and participative democracy

Déi gréng are committed to a living democracy.

We will encourage residents to propose their own projects of general interest designed to improve the living environment and community life.

We will involve the public at an early stage in major projects, such as building projects or the introduction of new regulations.

We will simplify all administrative procedures and ensure that they are also accessible digitally.

In order to guarantee detailed information on the work of the College of Mayor and Aldermen, the Local Council, the advisory committees and the local services, we will ensure that the decisions and reports of the Local Council meetings are also published on the website and in the application (App) of the municipality.

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